Municipal Court

The City of Vidor Municipal Court is located in the rear of the City Hall Municipal Building on North Hwy 105, (Main Street) in Vidor, Texas.

Official Court proceedings are held at the City Hall Municipal Building in the City Council Chambers / Municipal Courtroom.
PRE-Trial Hearings:
1st & 3rd Tuesday morning of each month at 9:00 a.m.
Jury Trials & Bench Trials:
Set as needed
2nd, 4th, & 5th Tuesday of each Month
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
Mission Statement: 
Our goal is to provide a professional atmosphere and a neutral, fair, and impartial forum for all Class C misdemeanor offenses arising under Texas state statute and city ordinance filed within the jurisdiction of the Vidor Municipal Court.

 The Judge of this Court is appointed by the Vidor City Council to preserve and uphold the United States Constitution, the Texas Constitution, the ordinances of this city, and the laws of this state. 

 The three separate but equal branches of government are the Executive branch (City administrator and all departments including the Police Department), the Legislative branch (The City Council), and the Judicial branch. The Municipal Court and its officers represent the Judicial branch of the City of Vidor government.

 This Court is committed in its role as the Judicial branch of our community’s local government and its officers are dedicated to the principles of impartiality, fairness, integrity, separation of powers, and judicial independence.

Pay the Fine (see the option in the top right of this page labeled Fine/Citation payments):

This automatically enters a plea of no contest and waives jury trial.

Will result in a conviction on your driving record.

Request a Driving Safety Course if eligible (see the option in the top right of this page labeled Driving Safety Course).

Request a Deferred Disposition if eligible (see the option in the top right of this page labeled Deferred Disposition).

Proof / Compliance Dismissals if eligible (see the option in the top right of this page labeled Compliance Dismissals).

Go to Trial (see the option in the top right of this page labeled Pre-Trial/Trial).