Deferred Disposition is NOT a right but is a privilege offered at the sole discretion of the Judge.
In limited circumstances, if you are entering a plea of guilty or no contest, you may be eligible for a deferred disposition (probation) of your citation.
To be considered for deferred disposition, you must meet ALL of the eligibility requirements. Failure to meet all eligibility requirements or to fully complete the application process will result in the denial of your request and may result in the entry of a judgment (conviction) against you.
Applying for a deferred disposition of your case does NOT guarantee that deferred disposition will be granted. The Judge reserves the right to adjust the administrative fee on a Deferred sentence, considering such factors as priors, circumstances of the offense, et cetera.
To be considered for deferred disposition, you must meet ALL of the eligibility requirements. Failure to meet all eligibility requirements or to fully complete the application process will result in the denial of your request and may result in the entry of a judgment (conviction) against you.
Applying for a deferred disposition of your case does NOT guarantee that deferred disposition will be granted. The Judge reserves the right to adjust the administrative fee on a Deferred sentence, considering such factors as priors, circumstances of the offense, et cetera.
- You are responsible for following up on your request for deferred disposition and making sure your charges were timely answered. If deferred disposition is granted and you comply with all the terms of the deferred disposition order, the charge will be dismissed at the end of the deferral period and no final conviction will be entered against you for that offense.
- You DO have to pay the administration fee and Court cost (state fees) on a Deferred.
- The deferral period can last anywhere from one (1) day up to one hundred and eighty (180) days.
- Depending on the type of violation, there will be certain terms and conditions associated with your deferred disposition.
- Failure to make your payment and meet all the other terms of your deferral as ordered will violate your Deferred Disposition Order. Violation of the Deferred Order will result in a show cause hearing before the Judge.
Failure to appear for your show cause hearing will result in a conviction on the offense, imposition of a fine, and possibly a capias pro fine for your arrest.
On average, the Judge increases the administrative fee on all NON-school zone violations and code violations that are deferred by fifty ($50.00). This is for a single violation. To calculate the amount due for your deferred disposition, first click on the Fine List button below, find your violation, and increase the total amount due by $50.00.
If you are unsure of how much you will owe, will also owe restitution, or have multiple violations, contact the Court at (409) 769-7452 for more information and to make sure you are eligible.
Call The Court Office (409) 769-7452
On average, the Judge increases the administrative fee on all NON-school zone violations and code violations that are deferred by fifty ($50.00). This is for a single violation. To calculate the amount due for your deferred disposition, first click on the Fine List button below, find your violation, and increase the total amount due by $50.00.
4 4 19 FINE LIST Popular171 KB3661 downloads
If you are unsure of how much you will owe, will also owe restitution, or have multiple violations, contact the Court at (409) 769-7452 for more information and to make sure you are eligible.
Call The Court Office (409) 769-7452
If you are asking for deferred on more than one violation, the Judge will determine the amount of the administrative fee on a case by case basis if he grants the request. As stated above, applying for a deferred disposition of your case does NOT guarantee that deferred disposition will be granted.
- Hold a commercial driver’s license, even if you were driving a non-commercial vehicle
- Are charged with one of the following sections of the Transportation Code;
- Sec. 472.022 – Construction zone when workers are present
There may be other reasons that you are not eligible for deferred disposition. Each case is unique and must be reviewed prior to granting a deferred disposition. If you send in paperwork and are not eligible, you will be notified by mail, e-mail, or telephone to select another option to handle your case.
- As with everything else, Juveniles (under the age of 17) must appear in person with a parent or legal guardian to request deferred.
- Minors charged with an alcohol or tobacco related offense must appear before the Judge to request deferred disposition.
- Individuals that were involved in an accident (vehicle crash) and received a citation must appear before the Judge to request deferred disposition.
- Individuals charged with an offense that occurred in a SCHOOL ZONE must appear before the Judge to ask for deferred disposition.
- Individuals charged with speeding twenty-five (25) or more MPH over the speed limit or at a speed of ninety (90) MPH or greater must appear before the Judge to ask for deferred disposition.
- Individuals charged with passing a school bus or failing to remain stopped for a school bus must appear before the Judge to ask for deferred disposition.
- If you have determined that you are eligible and intend to appear in person to request deferred, we will process your deferred paperwork for you and go over the conditions.
- Be sure to bring your valid driver's license or other official identification, and payment in full unless other arrangements have been made.
- There may be required terms for certain offenses based on the type of offense, your age, and driver's license status.
- Requests for Deferred Disposition may now be filed with the Court electronically using your computer or smartphone via this service for a small fee. You will be able to submit your request and upload or attach pictures or PDF’s of any documents you are required to submit. Please follow all directions and call the court if you have any questions. If you do not wish to pay a fee to use this service, you may still print out the Deferred Disposition request form, and return it via mail, fax, or e-mail at no additional cost.
Submit Your Deferred Disposition Request Online - Call the Court office first to make sure you are eligible for Deferred Disposition.
- Complete and file with the Court the Deferred Disposition Request Form.
Download A Copy Of The Deferred Disposition Request Form - Be sure to read the instructions for that form! There are required terms for certain offenses based on the type of offense, your age, and driver's license status. Be sure to check any terms on the Deferred form that apply to you.
- Mail, fax, or e-mail to the Court, the completed request form and a copy of your driver’s license or other official identification.
- If you are not able to pay the deferral fee in full, include a payment plan application with your deferred request.
Download A Copy Of The Payment Plan Application - If you do not include a payment plan application with your request, you must mail in payment with the request or pay the amount due by the next business day. Be sure to call and make sure your request was approved before making a payment.
- Call the Court to verify we received your paperwork and that everything was in order.
- DO NOT be convicted another offense during the deferral period.
- Violation of the Deferred Order will result in a show cause hearing before the Judge. Failure to appear for your show cause hearing will result in a conviction on the offense, imposition of fine, and a capias pro fine for your arrest.
- Your case will be reviewed and if approved, you will be mailed, emailed, or faxed a copy of your Deferred Order with the required terms and the dates of your deferral period.
- If rejected, you will be notified of the reason for the denial and that you must contact the Court for other options.
When paying online via The Payment Group,, you MUST click EDIT to enter the correct payment amount due to the Court for your Deferred Disposition. When calling The Payment Group, 1-800-444-1187 , to make your payment, it is your responsibility to give the operator the correct payment amount for your Deferred Disposition.
- Do NOT subtract the processing fee or tax charged by The Payment Group from the amount of your payment to the Court. That fee is in addition to the Court payment.
- Failure to pay the correct amount will result in rejection of your Deferred Disposition request.
If you have any questions, please contact the Court office at (409) 769-7452.
Call The Court Office (409) 769-7452
Call The Court Office (409) 769-7452